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10 Best Books and Courses To Learn Spring Framework in Depth

 Mark As Read    

Hello Java developers, if you want to learn Spring Framework and looking for the best resources like books, online courses, code katas, and tutorials then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared the best Spring Boot courses and today, I Am going to share the best Spring Framework resources for Java developers. This includes learnin...

Java: State Design Pattern

 Mark As Read    

In the video below, we take a closer look at the State Design Pattern in Java. This tutorial includes an introduction, real-time examples, class/sequence diagram, and implementation. Let's get started!

Understanding System Logger

 Mark As Read    

December was not a good time for Java developers and even less for Ops. The former had to repackage their apps with a fixed Log4J's version, and the latter had to redeploy them - several times. Yet, every cloud has a silver lining. In my case, I learned about System.Logger. In short, System.Logger is a faade over your logging engine. Instead of usi...

Cloud-Native Compilation: Bringing JVMs Into the Modern Cloud World

 Mark As Read    

Across the industry, companies are trying to rein in runaway cloud costs by squeezing more carrying capacity out of the instances they run in the cloud. Especially in the Java space, developers are trying to fit workloads into smaller and smaller instances and utilize server resources with maximum efficiency. Relying on elastic horizontal scaling t...

Strategy Design Pattern in Java - Introduction, Real-Time Examples, and Implementation

 Mark As Read    

Take a closer look at Java strategy design patterns in the video below. We'll cover the general introduction, some real-time examples, and its implementation. Let's get started! Thanks for watching!

Execute mTLS Calls Using Java

 Mark As Read    

Supposing we have an NGINX instance secured using SSL and mTLS. If you are using Java interacting with a service secured with mTLS, it requires some changes on your codebase. In this tutorial, we shall enable our Java application to use mTLS using different clients. To get started fast, we can use an existing example of adding mTLS to an NGINX inst...

How To Do GC Log Analysis?

 Mark As Read    

Analyzing garbage collection logs provides several advantages like it reduces GC pause time, reduces cloud computing cost, predicts outages, provides effective metrics for capacity planning. To learn about the profound advantages of GC log analysis, please refer to this post. In this post lets learn how to analyze GC logs? Basically, there are 3 es...

Java: Mediator Design Pattern

 Mark As Read    

In the video below, we take a closer look at the Mediator Design Pattern in Java. This tutorial includes an introduction, real-time examples, class diagram, and implementation. Let's get started!

Introducing 140 Second Ducklings: What Is Debugging?

 Mark As Read    

This is the first video in the series. I hope to publish a new video every week. It starts with the very basics of debugging and builds up. I think debugging is a powerful tool that even experienced developers don't leverage enough. You need to click the tweet to see the video:

Mediator Design Pattern in Java [Video]

 Mark As Read    

In the video below, we take a closer look at the mediator design pattern in Java. Including an introduction, real-time examples, class diagram, and implementation, this tutorial will help you dive into the topic. Let's get started!

Java Concurrency and Multi-Threading

 Mark As Read    

The Java platform was designed to support concurrent programming, with basic concurrency support in the Java programming language and the Java class libraries. How often do we think about concurrency while writing new code or while doing a code review with the team? A small bug could lead to endless hours of debugging applications for a production ...

Learn to Access Java Database With Jakarta Data

 Mark As Read    

Dealing with a database is one of the biggest challenges within a software architecture. In addition to choosing one of several options on the market, it is necessary to consider the persistence integrations. The purpose of this article is to show some of these patterns and learn about a new specification proposal, Jakarta Data, which aims to make ...

Java: Visitor Design Pattern

 Mark As Read    

In the video below, we take a closer look at the Visitor Design Pattern in Java. This tutorial includes an introduction, real-time examples, a class diagram, and implementation. Let's get started!

Builder Design Pattern in Java

 Mark As Read    

In the video tutorial below, we take a closer look at the builder design pattern in Java. The tutorial includes an introduction, real-time examples, and implementation. Let's get started!

Spring vs. Jakarta EE: Defining Injectable Beans

 Mark As Read    

Dependency Injection is one of the core features in the heart of modern application development frameworks. In a nutshell, the process of dependency injection is composed of the definition of injectable beans the injection of beans (dependencies) into those places where they are required This blog post compares the mechanisms available in the ...

Java Template Method Pattern in 3 Minutes [Video]

 Mark As Read    

The template method pattern is a behavioral design pattern in GoF's design pattern. In my opinion, it is fundamental and worth knowing and learning. It opens up our eyes to many of the usual ways of object-oriented design. In this pattern, the father class (the abstract superclass) defines the skeleton/algorithm of an operation in terms of a numbe...

Memento Design Pattern in Java

 Mark As Read    

In the video below, we take a closer look at Memento Design Pattern in Java. This tutorial includes an introduction, real-time example, and implementation. Let's get started!

Monorepo vs. Bill of Materials: Shaping Projects

 Mark As Read    

During most of my development career, the usual code organization pattern was monolithic repository or Monorepo. There is a single large version control repository, to which all developers on the project push their commits, sometimes breaking it. Every once in a while, this goliath is released as a set of artifacts. Before this may happen, all deve...

Java: Command Design Pattern

 Mark As Read    

In the video below, we take a closer look at the Command Design Pattern in Java. This tutorial includes an introduction, real-time examples, class/sequence diagram, and implementation. Let's get started!

Interpreter Design Pattern in Java

 Mark As Read    

In the video below, we take a closer look at the Interpreter Design pattern in Java. This tutorial includes an introduction, real-time examples, a class diagram, and implementation. Let's get started!

DataWeave Delight: Finding highest or lowest value in an array

 Mark As Read    

DataWeave has several function to find the highest or lowest value in an array. The items in the array need to be of the same type and implement the Comparable interface. To find the highest value we ... 811 days ago

How to Provide Rate-Limiting Via Bucket4j in Java

 Mark As Read    

Hello, everyone. Today, I want to show how you can provide rate-limiting into your project based on the Token Bucket algorithm via Bucket4j. Every now and again, all of us face a problem with limiting our external API -- some functionality where we should limit calling to our API for many reasons.

Adapter Design Pattern - Real-time Examples (Translator, Mobile Charger, Universal Adaptor, and More)

 Mark As Read    

In the video below, we take a closer look at Adapter Design patterns with Real-Time examples (translator, mobile charger, universal adaptor, etc.). Let's get started!

The Flatten Maven Plugin

 Mark As Read    

One of the Apache Maven committers recently wrote about their plans for Maven 5. I consider the following one of the most significant changes: In summary, we need to make a distinction between two POM types:

Adapter Design Pattern in Java: Mobile Charger

 Mark As Read    

In the video below, we take a closer look at the adapter design pattern in Java (Mobile Charger). This tutorial includes an introduction, example, implementation, and more. Let's get started!

Getting Started With JPA/Hibernate

 Mark As Read    

JPA was born as the acronym for Java Persistence API. When Java EE was donated to the Eclipse Foundation under the Jakarta EE project, the name of the API changed to Jakarta Persistence but the term JPA is still in use. JPA solves the object-relational impedance mismatch by allowing you to map Java objects to database tables and is one of the most ...

Adapter Design Pattern in Java [Language Translator] - Introduction, Example, and Implementation

 Mark As Read    

In the video below, we take a closer look at Adapter Design Pattern in Java [Language Translator] - Introduction, Example, and Implementation. Let's get started!

The One Timeless Benefit of Design Patterns

 Mark As Read    

Theres not much buzz about design patterns these days. They appear to have joined the hall of fame of accepted wisdom, alongside the Silver Bullet, SOLID and DRY. Lately, I had the opportunity to share some thoughts on the importance of good old design patterns with Koen Aerts, CTO of Team Rockstars IT. Heres the gist of that talk in a more digesti...

How to Handle Login Pop-ups in Selenium WebDriver Using Java

 Mark As Read    

Have you ever been asked for credentials while accessing a website on a browser? Let us understand why we are asked to fill up the credentials while accessing a few websites. This article mainly focuses on the introduction to authentication pop-ups on the website and the different ways to handle them using Selenium. Before we dive in deep and see h...

The five skills you must master to be outstanding as a software engineer

 Mark As Read    

An area of technology has been growing exponentially and bringing with it several opportunities and specializations. Among these thousands of options, we have software engineering and architecture. However, with so much content and easy access to happiness, how would be the best way to reach the goal that will achieve the desired satisfaction? In t...

Debugging RAM: Detect/Fix Memory Leaks in Managed Languages - Heap Deep Dive (Part 2)

 Mark As Read    

In the previous installment, I talked about the Java garbage collector. In this part, I'll discuss the most common memory issue: the memory leak. I focus on managed languages, specifically Java, but I will mention some native code tools which are interesting. A memory leak contributes to heap size, which isn't the most pressing bug in most cases. B...

Inheritance vs. Composition in JPA

 Mark As Read    

Introduction Don't repeat yourself or DRY. Developers try to adhere to this principle during software development. It helps to avoid redundant code writing and, as a result, simplifies its maintainability in the future. But how to achieve this principle in the JPA world? There are two approaches: Inheritance and Composition. Both have their pros an...

Template Design Pattern or Template Method Design Pattern in Java

 Mark As Read    

In the video below, we take a closer look at the Template Design pattern or the Template Method Design pattern in Java. Let's get started!

Adapter Design Pattern in Java - Introduction, Class/Sequence Diagram, and Implementation

 Mark As Read    

In the video below, we will take a closer look at the adapter design pattern in Java. The topic included are: Introduction Class/Sequence Diagram Implementation Let's get started!

Learn How To Create Thread Pool in Java and How To Reuse Thread

 Mark As Read    

Creating And Running Thread Thread creation is a well-known process and there are two ways to create it: Extend Thread and override the run method. Feed Runnable to Thread constructor. Let's implement both options:

How to Convert Audio From 2D to 3D

 Mark As Read    

Immersive audio is becoming an increasingly important factor for enhancing user experience in the music, gaming, and audio/video editing fields. The spatial audio function is ideal for meetings, sports rehabilitation, and particularly for exhibitions, as it helps deliver a more immersive experience. For users who suffer from visual impairments, the...

Service Locator Design Pattern in Java: An Introduction, Class/Sequence Diagram, and Implementation

 Mark As Read    

In the video below, we take a closer look at Service Locator Design Pattern in Java including an introduction, class/sequence diagram, and implementation. Let's get started!

What Is Applicative? Basic Theory for Java Developers

 Mark As Read    

Applicative is just another concept similar in meaning and history to Functors and Monads. I have covered these two in my previous articles, and I think it is finally time to start closing this little series about the most commonly known functional abstractions. Besides explaining some details and theory, I will implement a simple Applicative. I wi...

Jakarta EE8, EE9, EE9.1, . What???

 Mark As Read    

Jakarta EE is the new Java Enterprise platform as youve probably heard. There is a lot of news about this application development framework and also about the rapid development of the platform. Version 9.1 was released in May last year and version 10 is already in a review process. But what does this mean for my own Java project? Because I was also...

Did You Know the Fastest Way of Serializing a Java Field Is Not Serializing It at All?

 Mark As Read    

Learn how to apply C++'s trivially copyable scheme in Java and get blazing serialization speed using Unsafe and memcpy to directly copy the fields in one single sweep to memory or to a memory-mapped file. In a previous article about open-source Chronicle Queue, there was some benchmarking and method profiling indicating that the speed of serializat...

Tribblix updates and https

 Mark As Read    

One good thing to have happened recently is the rise of Let's Encrypt, bringing https to all websites without all the hassle you previously had to go through to get a certificate.One not quite so good event recently was the switch by Let's Encrypt to certificates signed by their own ISRG X1 root, and more excitingly the expiry of the prior DST Root...

Flyweight Design Pattern in Java

 Mark As Read    

In the video below, we take a closer look at the Flyweight Design pattern in Java. This tutorial includes an introduction, real-time example, implementation, and key points. Let's get started!

Inside zone installation

 Mark As Read    

How do zones actually get put together on Solaris and illumos? Specifically, how does a zone get installed? There are various type of zones. The nomenclature here is a brand. A zone's brand defines how it gets installed and managed and its properties. Often, this is mapped to a zone template which is the default configuration for a zone of that typ...

Optimization Techniques Using Java Streams

 Mark As Read    

The incredible amounts of data collected by digital technologies have created an explosion of big data analysis. It allows companies, governments, and other organizations to find patterns and predict future behavior. For example, it can aid in sale projections, marketing campaigns, solving and preventing crime, etc. The possibilities are disparate ...

Making Readable Code With Dependency Injection and Jakarta CDI

 Mark As Read    

Within programming, object orientation (also known as OOP) is one of the wealthiest paradigms in documentation and standards, as with dependency injection. However, the most common is that these standards are misinterpreted and implemented and what would allow a clear vision and a good design for a cooperative application, in practice, harms the qu...

JxBrowser and JCEF

 Mark As Read    

When looking for a solution to display HTML, execute JavaScript, or use OAuth2 protocol in Java, one often looks for a full-fledged embeddable browser. If you go for Chromium, you can either use JCEF or JxBrowser for integration. We have gathered the most common comparison points and compiled this guide for you. To help you choose between the libra...

Are software ecosystems a good thing?

 Mark As Read    

One way to judge the health or strength of a product might be to look at the ecosystem surrounding that product. But is this diagnostic? Note that there are several concepts here that are similar to the ecosystem. I'm not referring to the community, those people who might use or support the product. Nor am I talking about a marketplace, which is a ...

Containerize Gradle Apps and Deploy to Kubernetes With JKube Kubernetes Gradle Plugin

 Mark As Read    

This article is a follow-up to my previous post, Deploy Maven Apps to Kubernetes With JKube Kubernetes Maven Plugin. Eclipse JKube is a collection of tools and libraries which ease a Java developer's ... 828 days ago

Containerize Gradle Apps and Deploy to Kubernetes With JKube Kubernetes Gradle Plugin

 Mark As Read    

This article is a follow-up to my previous post, Deploy Maven Apps to Kubernetes With JKube Kubernetes Maven Plugin. Eclipse JKube is a collection of tools and libraries which ease a Java developer's workflow working with Docker and Kubernetes. It is the successor to the famous Fabric8 Maven Plugin.

Authentication Using Google Accounts Across Android Devices

 Mark As Read    

With the release of AppGallery Connect version 1.5.2 the Auth service now has full support for making use of unified sign-in with a Google account! This new functionality makes AppGallery Connect Auth a great option for all of your apps authentication needs both on Huawei devices and other Android devices.

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